Monday, July 18, 2011

The Top Three Secrets of Customer Service Success

Have you ever noticed that when a Microsoft product doesn't perform the way we expect it to (i.e. make our lives easier), there is a tendency to blame Bill Gates or Steve Ballmer. We don't blame the software, but the leaders of the company. The fact is, for a majority of the American public, the product being sold is often synonymous with the person who endorses or manufactures it.

This phenomenon lends a twist to the role customer service plays in business. Now, not every product is as high profile as those offered by Microsoft, but the tenet remains the same. From the customer point-of-view, your company IS the person that they speak to on the phone, meet at the counter, see in uniform on the street, or run into at a social gathering. The perception is, in short, user-friendly customer service equals user-friendly products.

The Customer's Viewpoint

The definition of what constitutes customer service differs greatly. In general, customer service starts with great products at great prices. It's quick, efficient, competent, customer-conscious communication and service. Customer service, however, also deals with a whole set of intangibles like integrity, honesty, and interpersonal skills. According to one study, these intangibles become the deal breakers for many customers.

With the vast array of possibilities today, customers have more options than ever and they are not afraid to exercise them. Customers today are also less shy about offering their opinions. The Small Business Association reports, "some studies indicate a disgruntled customer will tell 7 to 11 people about an unpleasant experience with your company." The popularity of e-mail, blogs, and social media outlets like Twitter and Facebook have made it easier for customers to pass on the word. In fact, notes that e-commerce customers are even more vocal when dissatisfied. "Dissatisfied online customers are almost four times more likely to discuss their experience in an online forum than satisfied customers."

From the consumer perspective, loyalty is earned (or lost) through both the tangible and intangible components of service. Due to the increase in competition, consumers expect good prices and great service. Their business, return business, and referrals will be awarded to the enterprise that regularly provides more than they expect.

The Business of Customer Service

Customer service today has a tendency to be reactive because problems always arise unexpectedly and fires need to be put out quickly. Most companies are aware that this is not the most effective or efficient way to handle customer issues. In fact, many companies are spending top dollar to take their customer service departments from that reactive stance to a highly proactive structure.

Dianna Booher, of Booher Consultants, Inc., maintains that good customer service is dependent on three things:

   1. Customer-friendly policies set by the organization. Have the consequences and impact of new policies been thought-out from all standpoints. Has procedure and implementation been clearly defined and communicated. If carried out correctly, will this policy help your employees show your customer that he or she is highly valued? Is there room for review on a case-by-case basis or are your customer service agents "reading a script?" Are the people on the front lines given some autonomy to help the customer in the way that provides the highest rate of service?
   2. Staff training. Is the definition of quality customer service clearly defined for your staff? Has each representative been given specific instruction on how to provide a positive experience for a customer? Does every staff member know the clues that will help indicate the value set (temperament) of each customer (i.e. Can they communicate with a Green just as effectively as with a Blue?)?
   3. Staff attitude. The members of your staff typically provide the first impression of your company. Staff members who perceive themselves as valued will put forth a better impression than those who simply feel like a cog in a machine. Listening to ideas, providing ongoing training, incentives, clear expectations, autonomy, and follow-up are all ways to show how much you value your customer service staff.

Good customer service may start with a high quality product or service, but in the world of high competition from multiple sources, it surely doesn't end there. In order to build a successful customer service strategy, being proactive is the order of the day. Successful businesses know to pay attention to the details and to value each and every customer each and every time they connect. The bottom line? When all else is equal, customer service becomes the tiebreaker.

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